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Customised Lanyard

Jan 20

Choosing the Right Material for Customised Lanyard: A Comprehensive Guide

Customized lanyard are a popular and effective way for businesses, organizations, and events to promote their brand, provide identification, and ensure security. However, the effectiveness of a lanyard largely depends on choosing the right material. This article will guide you through various lanyard materials, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and budget.

Understanding the Importance of Material Choice

The material of a customized lanyard determines its durability, comfort, printability, and overall appearance. A well-chosen material not only enhances the lanyard's aesthetic appeal but also ensures it serves its intended purpose effectively.


Polyester is one of the most popular choices for custom lanyards due to its balance of quality and affordability. It’s a synthetic fabric known for its durability and resistance to stretching and shrinking. Polyester lanyards are ideal for screen printing, making them suitable for detailed logos and text.


  • Cost-effective
  • Durable and strong
  • Holds color well over time


  • Less luxurious feel compared to some other materials


Nylon lanyards are known for their high sheen and smooth texture, giving them a more premium look. They are slightly more durable and robust than polyester, making them suitable for heavy-duty use.


  • High-quality appearance
  • Excellent strength and durability
  • Ideal for intricate designs and vibrant colors


  • Generally more expensive than polyester

Woven Fabric

Woven lanyards are made by weaving thread into a heavy-duty material, creating a textured, embroidered look. This type of lanyard is perfect for simple, text-based designs due to its weaving process.


  • Elegant and professional appearance
  • Highly durable


  • Not suitable for complex logos or designs
  • Can be more expensive than other materials

Bamboo, Cotton, and Eco-Friendly Materials

Eco-friendly lanyards, made from materials like bamboo, cotton, or recycled PET, are an excellent choice for environmentally conscious organizations. These materials are biodegradable and sustainable, making them an increasingly popular choice.


  • Environmentally friendly
  • Soft and comfortable to wear
  • Unique and positive brand association


  • Can be more expensive than synthetic materials
  • May have limitations in color and printing options


Satin lanyards offer a shiny, high-quality finish and a smooth texture. They are perfect for events or organizations looking to convey a sense of luxury and exclusivity.


  • Luxurious and glossy appearance
  • Soft texture


  • More delicate and less durable
  • Higher cost

Considerations for Choosing the Right Material

When selecting the material for your custom lanyards, consider the following factors:

  1. Purpose and Usage: Determine how the branded lanyards will be used. For everyday use, durability is key. For one-off events, you might prioritize appearance.

  2. Budget: Your budget will play a significant role in material choice. Polyester and nylon offer a good balance of cost and quality.

  3. Brand Image: The material should reflect your organization's image. Eco-friendly materials can align with sustainable brands, while satin can suit more luxurious brands.

  4. Printing Needs: The complexity of your design may dictate your material choice. Some materials are better suited for detailed, colorful designs.

  5. Comfort: Consider the comfort of the wearer, especially if the lanyards will be worn for extended periods.


Choosing the right material for your custom lanyards is crucial for ensuring they meet your promotional, identification, and security needs. Each material offers unique benefits, and the right choice depends on your specific requirements, budget, and brand image. By understanding the properties and advantages of different lanyard materials, you can make a selection that effectively represents your brand and serves your audience.